
How do two seemingly unrelated operations:

1 is the harmony of all of us helping, many is all of our individual selves, each piece of the puzzle.



The Collatz Conjecture by Ryan Witzman

n/2 when even


relate to each other?

Every number, operation, sound, person is somewhat related (no matter how far apart or close).

The distance (gap) can always be bridged, we just have to take the right path.

3n+1 when odd

We must have a new perspective on the matter, helping instead of limiting. See, if we work backwards and ask what numbers can we MAKE with multiplying by 2 and (n-1)/3, then we can see it's all of them, instead of asking what numbers are REQUIRED by the RULES. Love is a gift not a requirement.

You can either choose to see necessity or relationship, but it's the same picture.